Welcome to the conference Research on higher education


The Centre for Academic Development at Örebro University and the journal Högre utbildning invite you to the second conference on the theme of Research on higher education 19–20 May 2021.

The first conference was organised in Lund during the spring of 2018, a unique moment for higher education institutions to come together to strengthen the field of research on higher education in Sweden. 

The official conference language will be Swedish, but we also welcome contributions in Norwegian, Danish and English.

We welcome suggestions for special interest groups (SIGs), themes, keynote lecturers or other contributions that would create a good basis for discussion and collaboration during the conference: fhu2021@oru.se

There will also be opportunities to organise network meetings in conjunction with the conference.  The call for papers will be available on 15 March 2020.

Please spread the date within your organizations, institutions, units and networks. Information about the conference will be published on: www.oru.se/forskningomhogreutbildning 

We look forward to welcoming you to Örebro in May 2021!