En språkverkstad för alla?

Arbetsfördelning och jurisdiktion i arbetet med studenter i studiesvårigheter


  • Karin Dahl Stockholms universitet, Sverige
  • Gunilla Lindqvist Uppsala University/ Hogskolan Dalarna, Sverige
DOI: https://doi.org/10.23865/hu.v12.3325


The aim of this article is to broaden knowledge of writing centre tutors’ work with students experiencing study difficulties due to disability. The article investigates how a group of tutors perceive jurisdiction and division of labor in relation to tutorials and other activities with these students. The data consists of 8 interviews. The results show that the tutors have a certain jurisdiction in tutorials, where several aspects of their work are perceived as being common to the profession. In other tasks the tutors do not seek jurisdiction over work with this particular student group. Instead they insist on working with all students and sharing responsibility with lecturers. Here their jurisdiction seems to be weak, which can impede widening participation, including the participation of students in study difficulties. Conclusions are that writing centre tutors need the opportunity to develop a common professional identity, which should include knowledge and perspectives on students’ different ways of learning. Furthermore, writing centres need a clear mandate to cooperate with other professionals in order to be able to contribute to the development of inclusive higher education, where the perspectives of new student groups are taken into consideration and where students receive equal opportunities. This is in line with two important goals of higher education: excellence and equity. 

Key words: writing center pedagogy, students in study difficulties, jurisdiction, critical pragmatism

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How to Cite

Dahl, K., & Lindqvist, G. (2022). En språkverkstad för alla? : Arbetsfördelning och jurisdiktion i arbetet med studenter i studiesvårigheter. Högre utbildning, 12(1). https://doi.org/10.23865/hu.v12.3325





språkverkstadspedagogik, studenter i studiesvårigheter, jurisdiktion, kritisk pragmatism, writing center pedagogy, students in study difficulties, jurisdiction, critical pragmatism