Att crippa högre utbildning: Skillnad och erfarenhet i universitetens lärosalar


  • Elisabet Apelmo Malmö universitet, Sverige


More recently, discussions around widened recruitment, widened participation and diversity in higher education have shifted from problematizing students on the periphery to encompassing norms and privileges within universities that act as barriers. The aim of the article is to explore how university teachers can counteract norms and social structures that make some students feel at home within the university while others do not. This is done through an overview of previous theory and pedagogical research on the subject. Using a cripistemological perspective on knowledge and the concepts of ableism and difference-making, how exclusion can be countered in practice is explored. The article discusses methods for visualising teachers’ and students’ situatedness and the effects that situatedness can have, pedagogical tools for giving voice to different experiences, as well as the importance of the choice of perspectives and course literature within the programmes. Ensuring that universities are not exclusive also requires accessible teaching with a focus on general solutions. When differences are made visible without being organised hierarchically, the different experiences become a resource for mutual learning about each other and critical thinking is promoted.

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How to Cite

Apelmo, E. (2024). Att crippa högre utbildning: Skillnad och erfarenhet i universitetens lärosalar. Högre utbildning, 14(2), 1–14.



In-depth essays and discussions


widened participation, inclusion, exclusion, ableism, disability