Warming up for PBL: a course in mathematical modelling and problem solving for engineering students


  • Dag Wedelin Institutionen för data- och informationsteknik Chalmers Tekniska Högskola
  • Tom Adawi


The step from traditional teaching to PBL is considerable and it has previously been proposed that students should be skilled at problem solving before entering a PBL course. In this paper, we first discuss some key ideas behind the design of a successful course in mathematical modelling and problem solving for engineering students. A central aim of the course is to help the students to understand the power of learning by exploration, a missing key component in the students’ ability to solve problems. We then discuss how this kind of course can serve as an intermediate step in a progression towards more self-directed project-based and problem-based learning.
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How to Cite

Wedelin, D., & Adawi, T. (2015). Warming up for PBL: a course in mathematical modelling and problem solving for engineering students. Högre utbildning, 5(1), 23–34. Retrieved from https://hogreutbildning.se/index.php/hu/article/view/776





PBL, problem solving, mathematical modelling, engineering education, progression