Role-play as a pedagogical method to prepare students for practice: The students’ voice


  • Ulrika Westrup Institutionen för service management, Lunds universitet
  • Agneta Planander Institutionen för service management, Lunds universitet


In this article we discuss how and why role-play supports students in gaining insights into complex leadership situations. We give voice to the students by illustrating their experiences in a role-playing activity involving a human resource management issue designed, performed, and evaluated as part of a management program. The results show that the role-playing supports the students by stimulating them to understand the issue from various perspectives, hence performing an overall change of perspectives. The role-playing exercise also enabled the students to create a collective understanding of the situation. The active social interactions and conversations of role-playing contributed to establishing a sense of community among the students. We argue that role-play could be a viable and forceful pedagogical method whereby teachers give their students the opportunity to prepare for practice. However, to implement role-play as an alternative method of learning requires that the method is a part of the institutional learning space.

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Author Biographies

Ulrika Westrup, Institutionen för service management, Lunds universitet

Ulrika Westrup is an assistant Professor of Business Administration at the Department of Service Management, Lund University. Her research interest include service organizations, leadership and management control, inter and intra organizational networking, and entrepreneurship as well as pedagogical issues. She lectures, within different levels, in Service management, Business and Administration and Health management. Ulrika has been awarded the distinction of Excellent Teaching Practitioner (ETP) by the Faculty of Social Sciences at Lund University.

Agneta Planander, Institutionen för service management, Lunds universitet

Agneta Planander is an assistant Professor of Business Administration at Department of Service Management, Lund University. Her research interest includes service organizations, leadership, organizing and strategizing processes, and inter-organizational collaborations as well as pedagogical issues. Agneta lectures in Service management and Business and Administration.

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How to Cite

Westrup, U., & Planander, A. (2013). Role-play as a pedagogical method to prepare students for practice: The students’ voice. Högre utbildning, 3(3), 199–210. Retrieved from





Active learning, Role-play, Pedagogical method, Leadership in practice, Management program