Core Journal Information

Journal name: Högre utbildning

eISSN: 2000-7558

Editor-in-chiefs: Maria Weurlander & Jan Stockfors

Editor-in-chiefs’ email addresses: &

Publisher: Cappelen Damm AS

Publisher’s address: Postboks 1900, 0055 Oslo, Norway

Publisher’s organization number: NO 948061937 MVA

Publisher contact: Maria R. Braadland

Publisher contact’s email address:

Journal owner: Department of Education, Stockholm University

Journal owner’s address: Department of Education, Stockholm University, S-106 91 Stockholm, Sweden

Supporting organizationsHögre utbildning is supported jointly by Gothenburg, Linköping, Lund, Stockholm, Umeå and Uppsala universities. Also supporting the journal are Malmö, Mälardalen, Södertörn and Kristianstad universities, Blekinge institute of technology, and Swednet, The Swedish Network for Pedagogical Development of Higher Education.

License: Creative Commons CC BY 4.0

DOAJ status: Registered

Metrics: Högre utbildning is approved as a Level 1 journal in the Norwegian journal registry and in the Danish BFI list.

Publication fee: Högre utbildning is free of charge for both authors and readers.