Former article types

Högre utbildning has updated its article types, effective as from 1 June 2020. The article types presented below are those that were in use until 31 May 2020. Articles is still in use, but its scope has been expanded and includes some of what was previously covered under the Reflection article type. The new article type, Reflective practice essay, replaces the former type, Good examples, and also includes some of what was previously covered by Reflection. Compared to Good examples, Reflective practice essay requires a greater element of reflection. The article type Reviews is unchanged, while Debate and New publications have eliminated entirely as possible forms of submission to Högre utbildning.


No more than 6000 words including the abstract. Submitted manuscripts may consist of research articles, methodological or theoretical / conceptual-oriented articles, or literature reviews. The contributions should have a scholarly approach and contain a well-defined research question together with references to relevant academic literature. All manuscripts submitted in this category will be subject to peer review.

  • Open submissions
  • Peer reviewed
  • Indexed


No more than 6000 words including the abstract. Critique, analysis, questions of importance from the perspective of practitioners, leaders or researchers of higher education. Propositions and descriptions of events and circumstances should be well grounded. Problem areas or perspectives should transcend individual cases. All manuscripts submitted in this category will be subject to peer review.

  • Open submissions
  • Peer reviewed
  • Indexed


No more than 1500 words. The review may examine books written in any of English, Swedish, Danish or Norwegian. Also, articles or thematic issues in academic journals can be reviewed as well as new policy or conferences. Reviews should clearly describe the relevance to Högre utbildning’s readers. The editorial team can sometimes arrange for review copies of books. Manuscripts submitted in this category will be reviewed by the editors.

  • Open submissions
  • Indexed

Best practice

No more than 2000 words including the abstract. Description and explanation of successful practices in and around education. Contributions should be based on an evaluation in some form and should be viable in a broader field than the author's own context or subject area. Manuscripts submitted in this category will normally be reviewed only by the editors.

  • Open submissions
  • Indexed


No more than 800 words. Contributions discuss unresolved issues of importance for the development of higher education. Responses and counter proposals are welcome. Manuscripts submitted in this category will be reviewed by the editors.

  • Open submissions
  • Indexed

New publications

No more than 800 words. The introduction of new publications may concern books, reports, theses or other publications of relevance to Högre utbildning’s readers. Introduced publications may be written in any of the languages English, Swedish, Danish or Norwegian. Suggestions for publications that may be of interest to Högre utbildning’s readers may be provided by the authors themselves or by others. All proposals will be reviewed by the editors. Normally the publisher or the authors are asked to submit text for the introduction which shall contain bibliographic details and a summary of the content.

  • Open submissions
  • Indexed

The editors also welcome other forms of contributions such as letters to the editors, comments, reports from conferences and similar texts with relevance to the scope of the journal.