Peer Review

All submitted manuscripts are reviewed by the editors. Contributions submitted as ‘Articles’ that pass the initial review of the editorial team are also reviewed by at least two peers. The review process is double blind, the peer reviewers and the authors do not know each other's identity. 

Based on the peers’ reviews the editors decide whether the manuscript should be published, rejected, revised or revised and be resubmitted for peer review. After revision, the editors once again make a decision whether the manuscript will be published or rejected. The editors reserve the right to submit a manuscript to peer review even for submissions for Reflective practice essay.

Högre utbildning's readers are all those involved in higher education; teachers and tutors, under­graduate and post­graduate students, educational developers, managers, and researchers who study higher education. With such a wide target group, it is of great importance that submitted manuscripts make sense also to readers outside the author's context or subject area.

In the case a manuscript has been submitted by a colleague or someone in an editor's teaching or research community, the editorial team evaluates potential biases. If bias could be suspected, un unbiased editor, within the editorial team or recruited outside, is assigned the manuscript. Any potentially biased editor is excluded from decision-making process.

If an editor him or herself submits a manuscript to the journal, an external editor is recruited. This person handles the review process outside the publishing system and uploads any statements and decisions as to ensure the anonymity of the reviewers.

Reviewers make an overall assessment of the manuscript and in particular the following aspects:

  • The originality of the manuscript (is it an original manuscript?)
  • The logical coherence, structure, legibility, readability and length of the manuscript
  • The current interest, value and relevance, in general and in relation to the journal’s focus on higher education, e.g. does the manuscript advance new knowledge?
  • Whether the issues addressed are discussed and analysed in a proper way, and whether the conclusions are supported by the sources and data presented in the manuscript.
  • Whether the use of sources is conscientious and methodologically acceptable, and ethical considerations are made and presented, when relevant. Note: since many of Högre utbildning’s authors are academic teachers, supervisors or leaders, power relations to informants are a particular ethical concern
  • Whether the references are satisfactory and in accordance with the journal’s editorial guidelines
  • Whether the manuscript otherwise has sufficient quality to be published as a peer-reviewed academic article or reflection

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