Praktiska moment på distans – Form och ämnesinnehåll i naturvetenskap och teknik inom grundlärarutbildningen under covid-19-pandemin


  • Johanna Frejd Linköpings universitet
  • Jonas Hallström Linköpings universitet, Sverige


Teacher education has a dual mission; to teach specific subject content to student teachers but also to provide them with examples of how this subject content can be taught in a school context. This dual task is particularly important and difficult in relation to technology and science education, where construction activities, laboratory work and excursions are central practices. As Covid-19 struck, Swedish universities had to adapt to emergency remote teaching, ERT. In this study, we explore three university teachers’ experiences of adapting laboratory work, excursions and construction tasks to ERT. The analysis shows that both form and subject content were affected by this adaptation in that students’ opportunity to practice science and technological practices and procedures decreased, as well as teachers’ possibility to gain feedback from their students. In turn, new ways of communicating and supporting students were developed.

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How to Cite

Frejd, J., & Hallström, J. (2022). Praktiska moment på distans – Form och ämnesinnehåll i naturvetenskap och teknik inom grundlärarutbildningen under covid-19-pandemin. Högre utbildning, 12(3), 61–77.


naturvetenskapsdidaktik, teknikdidaktik, emergency remote teaching (ERT), teacher education, science didactics, technology didactics, grundlärarutbildning, distansundervisning