Pedagogiska dilemman vid anonymiserad examination och bedömning


  • Johanna Bergqvist Rydén Lunds universitet, Sverige


Advantages and disadvantages of anonymisation of assessments have been discussed for decades. It is not difficult to understand why the issue has been a burning topic for such a long time. The matter has to a large extent been student driven, both in Sweden and internationally, and stems from a concern about bias in assessment and grading. In Sweden, anoymised assessments were introduced at many higher education institutions about a decade ago. This was, however, rarely preceded by discussions on potential pedagogical consequences. However, research of later years, on effects of anonymisation, together with knowledge on the effects of assessment on student learning, calls for such a discussion. Research have not been able to find evidence of positive consequences of anonymization in terms of reduced bias in grading. There are, however, a risk that central qualities, such as feed forward, assessment of progression, the development of learning-oriented assessment forms and a relationship rich higher education, are undermined by an assessment culture steered by requirements on anonymisation. In this article, I advocate a certain degree of caution when it comes to the appliance of anonymized assessments, and call for a nuanced discussion with students’ learning in focus.

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How to Cite

Bergqvist Rydén, J. (2024). Pedagogiska dilemman vid anonymiserad examination och bedömning. Högre utbildning, 13(3), 87–96.



In-depth essays and discussions


anonymisation, anonymized, examination, assessment, student learning, learningoriented assessment