Section Policies

Högre utbildning accepts the following article types:


Articles are first reviewed by editors, and later by a double-blind peer review. A submission may be based on empirical studies, or they may have a methodological or theoretical/conceptual orientation or provide a review of the literature. Articles can also be texts that problematise or shed new light on relevant issues in higher education.

In order for a submission to be accepted and published as an article, it must be imbued with a scientific approach and include a well-defined question and a link to relevant scientific literature. The submission must also make a specific contribution to the scientific development of knowledge in the field of higher education.

  • The manuscript for an article should contain 6000 words or less (including the abstract but excluding the references).
  • Published submissions are indexed and archived. 

Reflective practice essay

A reflective practice essay is normally only reviewed by the editors and involves a critical analysis of or reflections on educational practice or other specific activities in higher education. In addition to individual cases, the essay should present examples, issues or perspectives and discuss why these are of interest. 

  • The manuscript for a reflective practice essay should contain 3000 words or less (including the abstract but excluding the references).
  • Published submissions are indexed and archived. 


The review may address both Swedish and foreign textbooks. Articles or themed submissions in scientific journals, or for new policies or conferences may also be critically reviewed. A review should address the relevance of the text to the Higher Education reading circle. Submissions in this category are examined by the editorial staff.

  • A manuscript should contain 1500 words or less.
  • Published submissions are indexed and archived.


An open category for contributions that critically examine, problematize or conduct a deeper discussion on issues of importance to higher education. This category is open for essays or debate articles, but we also welcome other formats, and short as well as long texts. We expect submissions to this category to be at a high scholarly level with a scientific or philosophical foundation. The editorial board decides whether a contribution will be reviewed by the board or by external experts.

  • The manuscript for an in-depth essays and discussions paper has no predetermined maximum number of words.
  • Published submissions are indexed and archived. 

Submitting a manuscript

You can find out more about preparing and submitting a manuscript in the author guidelines. Please take the time to explore these instructions before proceeding with a submission.

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