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In 2019, a call for papers for a thematic section of Högre utbildning was announced. In their introduction, the guest editors, Cecilia Enberg and Ola Leifler, described the then-current situation, which is still prevalent today:

“At the time of writing it, the global school strikes initiated by Greta Thunberg and engaging millions of people globally were the most visible and clear demonstrations of calls for a future not ravaged by climate chaos. Calls were made to declare a global climate emergency – something that countries, jurisdictions, and local governments all over the world have also done. Today, around 820 million people around the world therefore live in areas where a climate emergency has been declared and where politicians have opted for leading towards the more sustainable future which is sorely needed. ”

In 2020, we are experiencing another catastrophic situation in the form of the Covid-19 pandemic. This points to the need to act within the framework of higher education, both in relation to the pandemic and to climate change. The editors elaborate: “How we learn from this situation in the coming years will be crucial in determining whether our global civilization can have a sustainable future. Institutions for education and research are as important as ever in bringing different perspectives to bear on the global crises that we will have to face as resolutely as we have responded to the current one. ”

This thematic section on teaching and learning includes articles based on initiatives to promote learning for sustainable development by organizing higher education in new ways. The contributions include topics such as the management and organization of education to promote sustainable development; pedagogical forms and learning activities that support learning for sustainable development; examples of in-service teacher training aimed at strengthening competencies for teaching sustainable development. Other contributions reflect on special experiences of teaching and learning for sustainable development – including student contributions.

Other articles on learning for sustainable development published in Högre utbildning can subsequently be included in this thematic section.

Photo: NosUA, iStock / Getty Images Plus

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